Accepted Submissions
Personalizing E-commerce Search using Embeddings
DNN approach based Personalized Product Ranking for E-Marketplaces
Modeling Heterogenous modality for Personalized Video Recommendation at Scale
A Contextual-aware Reranking Framework for Autocomplete in Walmart
Call for Papers
Call For Papers
Personalization has been a prevalent concept in the context of recommender systems. And the Web Search engines such as Google and Bing have been incorporating user intents and context to show different ranked lists of results for different users for the same query. Furthermore, in recent years, we are seeing widespread usage of personalization and recommendations in search. Examples of personalized search include e-commerce sites like, Music search on Spotify, restaurants search on UberEats, talent search on LinkedIn etc. showing different users’ different relevant results for the same query. These applications indicate how valuable personalization has been in the context of search. Similarly we find recommendations adding value to search beyond typical retrieval and ranking approaches. In this workshop, we want to bring all such applications and approaches developed to incorporate personalization and recommendation in search algorithms.
This workshop to be held with WSDM 2022 welcomes submissions from academia and industry researchers and practitioners to submit their work related to personalization and recommendations in search. Please note that for the scope of this workshop both personalization and/or recommendations are for improving search experience. Personalization or recommendations as stand-alone topics are out of the scope for this workshop. We also welcome work that can highlight the challenges faced in developing a search algorithm with personalization in real production systems. We invite quality research contributions, including original research, preliminary research results, and proposals for new work, to be submitted as an extended abstract. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the program committee and judged for their relevance to the workshop, especially to the topics identified below, and their potential to generate discussion.
Accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop but will not be archived. Hence we encourage submissions of any relevant recent work even if that might have been presented in or submitted to other venues. We also encourage submissions that discuss work in progress in order to facilitate wider discussions.
The topics of interest are (but not limited to) listed below:
- Personalized query interpretation and intent disambiguation
- Incorporating user context in real time or in-session adaptation for personalization in search
- Personalized evidence generation (such as summary, snippet/TAU, topics, among others) and explainability of search results
- Fairness and privacy in personalized search
- Latency, caching and other infrastructural considerations for real-world personalized search systems
- Lessons learnt and challenges for developing large scale personalized search systems
- Leveraging different modality of data, including text, image, audio for personalization of search
- New learning to rank (LTR) approaches for search personalization as well as beyond traditional LTR approaches, such as reinforcement learning for search personalization
- New applications for personalization and recommendations for search (e.g. in healthcare)
- Evaluation metrics for personalization and recommendation in search
- Optimization of delayed user behavioral rewards for personalization and recommendations in search context
- Human-computer interaction considerations in designing user interfaces and interaction for personalized search
- Datasets or design of simulator for personalized search/recommendation
- Personalizations and recommendations for Conversational Assistants
- Personal search (e.g. email search, desktop search, etc.) is not within the scope of the workshop.
Paper submission
Four page extended abstract reporting original results, preliminary results, and proposals for new work, will be considered for presentation/poster session at the workshop. Manuscripts must be self-contained and in English with 4 pages length plus references. Papers must be submitted in PDF according to the new ACM format published in ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. After uploading your submission, please verify the copy stored on the CMT site. Please follow other guidelines for formatting submissions as indicated in the main conference page:
At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop and present the paper. The deadline for paper submission is Dec 18, 2021. Papers can be submitted through CMT:
Important Dates (New extended deadlines)
Please pay attention to the following dates:
- Paper Submission Deadline: Jan 14, 2022 (11: 59 P.M. PDT)
- Acceptance notification: Jan 17, 2022
- Workshop date: Feb 25, 2022
All deadlines are 11:59 pm, anywhere in the world.
Please reach out to paris2022 at googlegroups dot com for any question or clarification regarding the workshop.